Innocent People Who Died While Taking A Selfie

11 of 17 High Altitude Selfie

via Air News Live

Selfies are responsible for many road accidents happening around the world. What happens when the ones taking them are pilots? Unbelievably, everything learnt in the flying academy in terms of safety is put behind when social media glory and narcissism are at the horizon.

We will not lie to you. The above photo is fake and it is impossible for pilots o open cockpit windows at high altitude. The speed of the plain and low pressure existing at high altitudes would quickly deplete the cabin reserves of air.

Nevertheless, low altitude flights on private planes open a completely new window of opportunities. A man lost control of a Cessna 150 and crashed while trying to take the ultimate selfie. A GoPro was found near the wreckage, revealing how an obsession like this can kill innocent people.