great lakes conference football standings 2021

Sprint Retrospectives: The Sprint Retrospective is a timebox of three hours or less for a one month sprint. Sprint 0: The term Sprint 0 is often applied to project setup and initiation, during which the release of any value is deferred. Apabila product increment yang dibuat sudah siap release, PO bisa saja memutuskan untuk release segera, atau boleh juga menundanya agar release bersamaan dengan fitur lain. Timeboxing was first introduced by James Martin, the author of the book Rapid Application Development, as part of agile software development. This sprint retrospective is a Scrum timebox of around three to four hours per one month sprint and is a similar length as the sprint review. Apabila dilakukan dengan tatap muka, saya biasanya membagikan post-it atau potongan kertas dan meminta mereka menulis satu hal di satu kertas dan menempelkannya di dinding atau papan tulis yang sudah ditandai “What went well” dan “What went wrong”. Having a timebox for an event does not mean that the event should take exactly the same time as the timebox. As described in the Scrum Guide, the purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness.. Caranya dengan meminta scrum team untuk menuliskan apa yang menurut mereka berjalan baik dan berjalan kurang baik. Dampaknya yang berbicara menjadi tidak lepas atau bahkan takut. Ada beragam cara untuk menjalankan sprint review, kali ini saya akan share salah satu cara yang biasa saya pakai. Make sure the meeting is "safe" for all members of the team. Sprint retrospectives: as you would know, retrospectives are our jam! For a one-month sprint, the timebox is 3 hours or less. False. Setelah itu salah seorang perwakilan scrum team akan mengambil alih acara dan memulai demo hasil pekerjaan. For example if your team health checks show that you need more connectivity, then you might need to allocate more time. 05:55 - Well, may be the next day, but you know what I mean. Maintaining consistent duration of the sprint helps the team to develop a rhythm of delivery. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. People know when they'll be interrupted, so they'll build a routine around it. Sprint starts with Sprint Planning and ends with Sprint Retrospective. Meetings about shorter Sprints should take less time. Unlike other Scrum events we don’t end the sprint early. Peserta dari sprint retro adalah scrum team. Often, Scrum Masters structure Sprint Retrospectives by creating a table with three columns: "what went well," "what went badly," and "what needs . It is important that everyone, including the team, product owner, and Scrum Master, get a chance to air their opinions in an open, honest, yet constructive atmosphere. Timeboxing is the practice of ending a meeting exactly on time regardless of the state of discussion or the desire of participants. Sprint planning is an event in Scrum that kicks off the Sprint. Sprint: Timeboxing is used to define the length of the Sprint. The difference between sprint review and sprint retrospective is one of the most common questions during my Scrum training and coaching. Try TeamRetro for free for 30 days and start using our meeting facilitation tool – the TIMER – to facilitate timeboxing easily for your next retrospectives or meetings. . Sprint review dimulai dengan scrum master yang membuka acara. The purpose of the sprint retrospective is to inspect and adapt the Scrum team's process. If you want to keep things moving quickly and on time with your retrospectives, you can set a countdown timer in TeamRetro through the stopwatch in the top right-hand corner of your  screen. Following are some guidelines to ensure the daily scrum doesn’t go beyond 15 minutes: Sprint review comes by the end of a sprint where the product increment, developed during the sprint is presented to the stakeholders for their feedback. This is an event in which the team inspects itself and identifies a process improvement that the team will implement in the following sprint. Sprint Retrospective — Inspect how the last Sprint went with regard to people, relationships, process, and tools. and start using our meeting facilitation tool – the TIMER – to facilitate timeboxing easily for your next retrospectives or meetings. We recommend letting at least a lunch hour elapse between the 2 meetings. They create a plan on how to adapt during the next Sprint. Setelah pembahasan went well dan went wrong selesai, kita mulai membahas ide-ide improvement yang tercipta. Sprint review: during the review, sprint backlog items delivered during the sprint are discussed and inspected. Focus of the discussions should always be the ‘what’ part of the feature and not the ‘how’ part. Following are the timeboxes for sprint retrospective meeting depending on the duration of sprint: Send an email beforehand with prep tasks per person. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint. Consider the request and decide on which days the Daily Scrum should occur. Timebox: Maximum of 3 hours meeting for a month-long Sprint. Sprint Review Meeting is usually done at the end of the sprint but before the Sprint Retrospective meeting. The. Pada sesi one-on-one mingguan kami, anak mentee saya bertanya “Mas, apa sih bedanya Sprint Review dan Sprint Retro?”. Scrum teams and many project managers use timeboxing to keep everyone focused on accomplishing the task at hand. Here the obvious question is , what if all the sprint backlog items are completed early? This graph summarises the truth about human attention span in meetings. So, in a two-week sprint, are include all ceremonies or just a few of them? The purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to plan ways for a team to increase its quality and effectiveness. Once the team decides to adopt a specific sprint period, it is kept constant throughout the course of the project. Definition, Purpose, and Template. Eli . That unit of time is referred to as a timebox. Create a 10-minute timebox for participants to brainstorm and add their ideas. Timebox duration for Sprint retrospective was updated, now duraction is 4 hours for sprints one month. A mature team often ends the daily standup under 10 minutes. Bentuk gamenya bia bermacam-macam, saya pernah mengikuti game yang menggunakan tali, atau meminta peserta untuk menjelaskan suatu gambar random, tebak-tebakan, dan lain-lain. Start with less formal brainstorming about themes (instead of starting with backlog) Prep: go through the ice box beforehand. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the team to develop transparency and . Prosesnya tidak sulit, hanya seperti dialog biasa saja. Main target audience of this meeting is stakeholders . The Sprint Review is the second to last event of the Sprint and is timeboxed to a maximum of four hours for a one-month Sprint. Timeboxed to a maximum of three hours for a one . Dimulai degan setiap team member diminta untuk menuliskan apa yang membuat mereka marah (mad) pada sprint lalu, apa yang membuat mereka sedih/kecewa (sad), dan apa yang membuat mereka senang (glad). Timeboxed to a maximum of three hours for a one . True or False: When multiple Scrum Teams . Scrum framework consists of four main events ( Sprint planning,Daily scrum , Sprint review and Sprint retrospective) and all these events exist within a container event called Sprint. Consider adding more Product Backlog items, process improvement actions from previous Sprint Retrospectives, innovation . Three elements are common across most of these patterns: You can timebox the review to make sure you go through the backlogs efficiently and effectively. 07:54 am July 25, 2014. hello, hope someone could clarify the correct maximum duration for a sprint retrospective! Facilitators may choose to keep initial notes anonymous to encourage honest feedback in a safe space, or they may choose to show these notes to help the team generate ideas. Timebox: Maximum of 4 hours for a month-long Sprint. Setelah itu mulailah acara inti dari sprint review, yaitu demo. Learn About the Sprint Retrospective Event. 1 minute per person, Roman voting: thumbs up or down if they need more time at the end of the timer. Sebaiknya jangan ada pihak luar, apalagi management, yang ikut di sprint retro. B) As long as needed. Semoga jelas ya teman-teman. Karena saat retro ini lah kesempatan bagi tim untuk bisa review apa saja yang mereka lakukan dan bagaimana bisa melakukannya lebih baik. Loading. Have it better inform sprint planning. Timeboxing is a common feature of many project management methodologies, not just Scrum. This means that the team must discuss the backlog items and split bigger chunks of backlog items to smaller more manageable ones. Sometimes Scrum Teams opt to prepone a Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective . Your email address will not be published. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Salah satu cara yang saya gunakan untuk membuat lingkungan yang anonymous adalah dengan menggunakan post-it yang tidak diberi nama untuk menulis feedback atau bisa juga menggunakan tool online seperti miro atau easyretro. Timebox for the daily scrum is 15 minutes irrespective of the duration of the sprint. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. B. for shorter sprints, the event is usually shorter p12, 1st paragraph. One exception here is the Sprint itself, where the exact timebox period is maintained. The sprint retrospective is that meeting. Sedangkan untuk sprint 1 bulan, sprint review bisa hingga 4 jam. In a one month long sprint this event is timeboxed to 4 hours. The event can end as soon as it’s objectives are achieved. Continuous improvement. [Note that shorter Sprints, e.g. Scrum master lalu mulai membahas masing-masing feedback dan mengelompokkan feedback yang serupa, dimulai dari yang mendapatkan paling banyak vote. Baiknya dibatasi vote setiap orang, misalnya 5 untuk went well dan 5 untuk went wrong. Be sure to keep in mind any time off, vacations, holidays, or other scheduling details during the sprint to accurately reflect the amount of work that can be accomplished. 2-weeks . Perlukah Product Manager Tahu Business Strategy? Conversely, in SAFe, this timebox is 1 hour (for the assumed 2-week iteration in SAFe). In this meeting, your team explores its execution of Scrum and what might need tweaking. The Scrum Guide suggests that a Sprint Planning meeting should be timeboxed at 8 hours of less for a one-month Sprint. Scrum Master should ensure that all team members should have access to the product backlog in advance and they clearly understands the refined backlog items. To understand the difference between sprint review and sprint retrospective, let's understand both of them separately first.. Sprints are the timebox event to produce a part of the product, which we call Increment in the Scrum. Bercanda, bercanda. The aim of the retrospective is to identify suggestions for improving cooperation in order to implement them in the next sprint. 10 best sprint retrospective ideas to keep your team engaged. Scrum master bisa juga menampilkan laporan sprint seperti jumlah backlog yang diambil, total point yang disepakati di awal, burndown chart, sprint velocity, dan lain-lain. Retrospectives is a time for the team to inspect itself and . There is no time gap between two sprints. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Scrum master should facilitate the meeting ensuring that discussions stick to the agenda and do not go offtopic. timebox) for planning a 30-day Sprint is eight hours, reduced proportionally for a shorter Sprint. Sprint Retrospective What Happens in a Sprint Retrospective? Sprint Retrospective. Sprint planning: Recurring 1 st day of each sprint, time box for 1 hour per week of the sprint (2 hours for typical 2-week sprint) Daily Scrum/Standup: Recurring daily during sprint, time box for 15 minutes. The sprint retrospective is one of the most important, and often least appreciated practices in the Scrum framework. This may mean having to do hard stops in meetings. The Sprint and its events have a Timebox. Oke langsung kita mulai bagaimana biasanya sprint retro itu berjalan. The chosen representative(s) from the team demonstrates the current sprint work items. TeamRetro has a Timeboxing recipe for synchronous meetings for a 60 – 1 minute retrospective (just to make sure you finish on time). Backlog items meeting the definition of ready should only be considered mature enough for sprint planning. suggests that a Sprint Planning meeting should be timeboxed at 8 hours of less for a one-month Sprint. Each team member should stick to the topic of updating last day’s progress, plan for the day and impediments if any. Answer (1 of 4): Our retrospectives are timeboxed at one hour. Selain itu saya juga selalu berusaha membuat lingkungan yang aman untuk tim berbicara dengan tidak men-judge siapapun yang berbicara dan sebisa mungkin membuat setiap feedback itu anonymous (tidak diketahui siapa yang mengatakan). The Refinement process can be conducted in a single meeting, multiple meetings, offline collaboration through JIRA, Chats, mails or other collaboration tools , or it may be a combination of these. It's the first event that happens during a Sprint. It gives the scrum team a platform to . At the end of the sprint, the Scrum team conducts a Retrospective under the moderation of the Scrum Master. What is the timebox for the Sprint Retrospective? During a sprint retrospective, the scrum team discusses what went right and areas for improvement in the sprint. Within classic Scrum, the recommended timebox for a Sprint Retrospective is 3 hours for a 4-week sprint, which equates to 1.5 hours for a 2-week sprint. Only the development team members should be active participants of the meeting,others if attending, should be there as observers and should not intervene unless required by the development team members, Ensure that the stakeholders attending the meeting are informed in advance and understand the agenda. During a Sprint Retrospective, the Development Team proposes moving the Daily Scrum to only occur on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is not a good practice to frequently change the duration of the sprint. Nah, sekarang kita sudah dapat nih improvementnya mau apa aja, selanjutnya apa? Inspection and adaption may lead to this being adjusted over time as required. Because in all other events, the Sprint Goal plays a pivotal role, and the purpose of this event is to reflect on the overall process, it definitely includes the Sprint Goal . Ensure that the product backlog items are properly refined and only mature product backlog items are taken up in the sprint planning. Sprint retrospectives focus on the process. Apabila ada pertanyaan silakan tulis di kolom komentar. What is the timebox for the Sprint Retrospective? when a team launches, they establish a timebox for the Sprint Planning meeting. Sprint retrospective is the last event in a sprint where the team meets to reflect on the process followed in the sprint and sees how that can be improved to gain efficiency. Timeboxing is one of the core concepts of scrum that enable efficient use of time . When your time is up the timer will go red and pulse to grab your attention. Prescriptive Language for The Sprint Retrospective. SCRUM Team inspects how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, processes & tools. Yet, at its core, it provides a carefully monitored timebox, a means for teams to examine what's happening, analyze the way they work, identify ways to improve, and make plans to implement improvements. Keputusan release atau tidak tergantung pada Product Owner. The maximum duration for a Sprint in Scrum is a calendar month. and then team members will have a set timebox to silently write a story about the last sprint. . Proses mad/sad/glad sangat mirip dengan cara went well yang saya bahas di atas. Event ini dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota tim scrum mulai dari Product Owner, Scrum Team, dan juga Scrum Master. The team should maintain the Sprint length unless it decides to experiment with a different one. Sprint: timeboxing can be used to define the length of the Sprint for scrum teams to deliver the Sprint goals. Hardening Sprint: If a team's definition of done is inadequate, or is not being met, technical debt can be expected to accumulate. The team does this by reviewing its past performance and generating concrete actions for improvement, to be executed in the next Sprint. Beda dengan Sprint Review yang biasanya lebih serius, saya biasanya membawa Sprint Retrospective dengan suasana yang lebih santai dan kasual. Better yet, wrap up your sprint week with a retrospective Friday afternoon, and start your new week — and sprint — fresh with a Monday morning planning session. The event can end before the prescribed timebox period but it should never take more time than the prescribed time. Setting timebox is a time management technique where we cap the maximum time allocated for an event or task. True or false- The Scrum Team must choose at least one high priority process improvement item, identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Sprint Backlog. So the Sprint Planning timebox for different period sprint will be as follows. This timebox varies in proportion to the duration of the sprint. on Timeboxing for scrum teams and successful retrospectives. 26 Votes) As noted in the Scrum Guide, a Sprint planning meeting should be timeboxed at 8 hours or less for a one-month Sprint. The timebox for a Sprint Retrospective is a maximum of three hours for a one-month Sprint. Iterations are the basic building block of Agile development. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Product Backlog is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product and includes the A. Sprint review: during the review, sprint backlog items delivered during the sprint are discussed and inspected. I also consider the Nexus Daily Scrum to be a 15-minute timebox. However in rare situations the product owner can cancel a sprint if the sprint goal is no longer valid. An exception is Sprint itself as discussed in the ‘Sprint’ Section of this article. Retrospectives, when conducted well and at regular intervals, support continuous improvement. Learn how to properly examine the work accomplished during a sprint. Ersan says: March 6, 2019 at 6:09 am. When is a Sprint Retrospective ceremony performed? Think “pair share” – think for 30 seconds, pair with another person for 1 minute, and then share with another pair before final sharing with the whole group. Biasanya sprint retro dipimpin atau dimoderatori oleh scrum master. The sprint retrospective meeting typically occurs on the last day of the sprint, after the sprint review meeting. Timebox is just the upper limit and the actual time can be anything under or equal to it. It is recommended not to extend a meeting beyond its timebox. Sprint retrospectives: as you would know, retrospectives are our jam! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A mini-retrospective should occur at the end of the Close-Out session to explore ways of improving the future effectiveness of the development and timeboxing processes. 4/5 (99 Views . Make the most out of Sprint Retrospective. The development team should not be more than 9 members. The timebox for the Sprint Retrospective is three hours, for a one-month Sprint. (Timebox it for 20 Mins . during the review, sprint backlog items delivered during the sprint are discussed and inspected. Everyone remains focused and builds a rhythm while working as a team. Product backlog items taken up in the sprint planning meeting should be estimated in advance using any relative estimation technique like story points or t-shirt sizing. Supaya kita ga lupa improvementnya apa saja, ada baiknya improvement action itu kita input juga ke Jira sehingga setiap hari kita lihat dan kita ingat. Here's the catch: They need to incorporate the shaping words. So that's mindset of the overall Sprint timebox. Lu; The Rest. It is a timebox (a specific and enforced length of time) in which a Scrum team attempts to create on or more product increments. A sprint ends as soon as the sprint Retrospective of the sprint ends and the next sprint starts soon after that. The Nexus framework suggests that the duration of Nexus events be guided by the length of the corresponding events in the Scrum framework. Menurut saya, kekurangan dari retro yang seperti ini adalah kurangnya kerahasiaan karena semua tahu dan bahkan melihat atau memperhatikan siapa yang berbicara. Sebaiknya jangan ada pihak luar, apalagi management, yang ikut di sprint retro. A timebox is a period of fixed maximum duration in which team activities may be carried out. Timeboxing is an integral part of the scrum framework where a maximum allowed time is set for each scrum event. The purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to plan ways for a team to increase its quality and effectiveness. Timebox for Sprint retrospective in case of one month sprint is 3 hours. The team does this by reviewing its past performance and generating concrete actions for improvement, to be executed in the next Sprint. For example, if the sprint ends on Fridays at 6:00 PM with the Retrospective meeting and Sprint planning of the next sprint planned on Mondays 9:00 am. Cara ini adalah cara favorit saya dalam melakukan retro. (Choose the best two answers.) The first 20 minutes is a timebox devoted to successes (things that we, individually or as a team, did that we want to recognize), pain points (things that we want to call out as problems), and other comments or observations on thing. as you would know, retrospectives are our jam! Jadi jangan sampai di-skip dong retronya, penting itu. Timebox untuk sprint retrospective adalah 1.5 jam untuk sprint 2 mingguan. During the retrospective for the last sprint, a team member says, "I need to implement a certain feature, but I don't have much experience building that particular feature." Someone else on the team is an expert on the feature, so the project manager pairs them up to build the feature during the next sprint. Should we close the sprint early and start the new sprint? Selanjutnya tidur dan lupakan hahaha. Maturity of product backlog items can be ensured by having a predefined Definition Of Ready (DOR) for the backlog items. The maximum duration prescribed for a sprint is one month or four weeks. E) . Following are some ways the team can make use of the spare time if the planned work is completed early : Sprint planning is the first event in a sprint and the timebox for this event for a one month sprint is eight hours. It will enable them to do their homework and come prepared for the meeting. Apabila dari pertanyaan atau pendapat itu muncul ide baru yang belum ada di backlog atau di acceptance criteria, jangan lupa dicatat. So the Daily Scrum timebox for various sprint duration will be: The team can end the meeting as soon as everybody is done with thir part even if the entire 15 minutes is not utilized . Having the same meetings, at the same time every week helps get people into a state of flow. Start Stop and Continue is a great format to focus on the things that are working (CONTINUE), things that are not working (STOP) and things that the team should start doing (START).It focus on the past, present and future at the same time. Seperti halnya Sprint Review, ada banyak cara untuk melakukan Sprint Retrospective. from Software in 30 days:"This meeting should never exceed four hours" p60 . Source: We timebox a retrospective to 1 hour for a 2 week sprint. The outcome of the Sprint is a Done Increment meeting the Sprint Goal. These cookies do not store any personal information. This is followed by a short Timebox retrospective workshop, to learn from the Timebox and to take actions to improve future Timeboxes 13.5 The Daily Stand-Up A key and integral part of all Timeboxes, regardless of the style adopted, is the Daily Stand-up. D) 1 day. One of my favourite concepts in Agile to examine closely with a team is the Sprint (AKA Timebox or Iteration). The team inspects itself and identifies improvements they can bring to the process that will be implemented in the following sprint. If discussions on a topic are getting extended it should be taken offline in separate meetings after the daily scrum. It sets up a common goal for the team, and everyone's focus is to achieve that goal during the Sprint. Mungkin teman-teman juga mengalami hal yang sama? Ensuring that the discussions do not go offtopic. The Sprint is a timebox of one . Start Stop and Continue is a great format to focus on the things that are working (CONTINUE), things that are not working (STOP) and things that the team should start doing (START).It focus on the past, present and future at the same time. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. AGILE: FAQs AND SPRINT UP CLOSE - SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE THINGS AGILE C. G.: if your sprint is 2 weeks timebox, your Retrospective meeting would last 1.5 hours, in the last day. Saya harap teman-teman bisa menjalankannya dengan baik dan tidak men-skip sprint retrospective. Sprint; The Figure below shows the conversion of the timebox events to the percentage in Scrum: Scrum Time-Boxed Events Pros and Cons of Timeboxing. The overall description of this Scrum Event has been shortened to focus on process improvements, team happiness, and cohesion, giving individual Scrum Teams flexibility in how they approach the Sprint Retrospective. But when it comes to the timeboxes within the sprint - the sprint planning meeting, the daily scrum, the sprint review, and the sprint retrospective - the purpose of the timebox is a little different. Shorter timebox for shorter Sprints. Scrum teams have used timeboxing as a way to maintain efficiency and productivity, so let’s find out more! All the sprint have exactly the same length, not more, not less. A pattern is an instruction to shape something we build to increase the "Wholeness of the Whole". t, as part of agile software development. Shorter timebox for shorter Sprints. D uring the 'Retro', the Scrum Team inspects itself. Sprint Retrospective: The timebox should not exceed 1 hour / Sprint length for 1 week. Note, you can proportionate this recipe for a longer meeting to suit your team’s needs. Demikian penjelasan singkat tentang apa bedanya Sprint Review dan Sprint Retrospective. Setelah demo, Product Owner akan memberikan tanggapan umumnya, apakah dia menerima item yang telah dibuat, atau ada item yang masih belum bisa diterima dan dikembalikan ke backlog. Timebox untuk sprint retrospective adalah 1.5 jam untuk sprint 2 mingguan. During retrospectives, teams are free to examine what's happening, analyze the way they work, identify ways to improve, and make plans to . Then, you assess whether you’ve reached your planned goals. Sprint: Timeboxing is used to define the length of the Sprint. Help the team to be more constructive in discussions instead of pointing fingers and indulge in arguments. Questions from stakeholders who understand the system and the end users should be encouraged and questions from unrelated parties focused on understanding the systems can be taken offline. Retrospectives is a time for the team to inspect itself and identify a process improvement that they can implement for a new sprint. C) 2 hours. For the Sprint Review, since the Nexus event replaces the individual team events, the guidance from the Scrum Guide would apply. The timebox mentioned above is the maximum duration allowed for sprint planning and the scrum master should ensure that it is maintained. The main agenda of Sprint planning is to define the scope of delivery and how to accomplish that work. This posting focuses on the sprint retrospective.. . For instance, sprints are enclosed in a two-week period, agile scrum meetings and sprint planning are set for a specific number of hours, and so are sprint reviews and retrospectives. Kali ini saya akan bahas beberapa cara yang saya tahu. from scrum guide 2013: "this is a three-hour time-boxed meeting for one month sprint. Sprint planning: when a team launches, they establish a timebox for the Sprint Planning meeting. A sprint is the fundamental unit of time in Scrum. Allocate a specific time for each person in the team e.g. . That means teams should timebox sprint review to two hours for a two-week sprint and four hours for a one-month sprint. Ini agar anggota team lebih lepas dalam menyampaikan uneg-unegnya. A timebox is an agreement made upfront about the duration of a certain activity. Timebox for Sprint retrospective in case of one month sprint is 3 hours. It is an action-oriented retrospective technique that encourages participants to come up with practical ideas for team-based improvement. Retrospective Sprint Meeting For a one-month Sprint, the Sprint Retrospective timebox is three hours or less. You might be aware of Sprint Retrospective as being the last timebox event of a Sprint but what exactly happens at a Sprint? During this meeting, the Sprint Team inspects itself and determines whether any process improvement is necessary for future sprints. Following are the timeboxes for sprint review meeting based on the duration of sprint: Sprint retrospective is the last event in a sprint where the team meets to reflect on the process followed in the sprint and sees how that can be improved to gain efficiency.

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