why did admiral yularen join the empire

If Yularen has known that Vader was Anakin, Vader might have figured out a way to silence him. Even by the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Yularen was regarded by his peers as a crisp, efficient veteran naval officer. Why? After finding AP-5 and Chopper, Kallus freed Ezra from his cell and told him about Thrawn's search for the rebel base.

As expected, several residents of the refugee settlement of Tarkintown ate the poisoned food and fell ill, which prompted Garazeb Orrelios to raid the Imperial compound on his own in search of an antidote. Such a bold assault would be perfectly in keeping with his style of command." "Exactly as Thrawn would want it to appear." Yularen did not respond, but the expression on his face spoke volumes. Despite their best efforts, the Ghost managed to jump into hyperspace before the Imperials could trap it. He also added that the Empire had lost contact with one and would come searching for it soon. When confronted by Governor Pryce over his defection, Kallus responded that he stopped betraying himself the day he betrayed her Empire.

The rebels then traveled in two patrol transports to the Dome. Before they could leave, Thrawn returned to his office.

Due to Pryce's cooperation, the rebels managed to fight their way into the Dome and capture the command center. As Fuzzyboots has correctly indicated, this individual is Admiral Wullf Yularen, later confirmed to be the Deputy Director of the Empire's Naval Intelligence Agency, the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB)..

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Lost Stars Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan [48] Additionally, Kallus demonstrated his ruthlessness once by kicking one of his men into a chasm to his death for asking an innocent question. Thrawn: Treason (Star Wars) Anakin also tries to order Ahsoka to turn back. The rebels took the bait and Kallus prepared the trap, though Minister Tua questioned whether it would work. Species Kallus himself was nearly pulled into space as well, but he held onto the hangar deck long enough for a force field to cover the damage to the hull. [15], Zeb spared Kallus, not wishing to defeat his rival in an unfair fight. Kallus warned that Vizago could not be trusted but Ezra disagreed. It was enough to make him question his beliefs about the Empire and the rebellion, and he covertly became a rebel spy under the codename of Fulcrum, thanks to Zeb. Tarkin's destruction of the Lothal communications tower disrupted offworld communications on Lothal and the neighboring systems; forcing the local Imperial authorities to rely on courier droids. Admiral Wullf Yularen's motives for joining the Empire after the fall of the Republic. The three rebels then reprogrammed EXD-9 into an improvised bomb which they used to destroy a Star Destroyer. share. The rebels managed to use their blasters and lightsabers to stun the stormtroopers and officer at the station. Star Wars - Thrawn (Character Sheet) / Characters - TV Tropes When Kallus insisted there was no planet at that location, Thrawn derided Kallus for his purported lack of appreciation for art. T0-D Interrogation Droid (Robot) by Robot58-Mech on DeviantArt Written and conceived by Scott Weller, this is the website to the popular UK STAR WARS fan magazine STAR WARS AFICIONADO. He revealed that he kept his bo-rifle not as a trophy but out of respect for the Lasat he had defeated, who presented him his weapon as a gift for defeating him in line with the Lasat tradition. Unknown to the Imperial agent at the time, such was the way of the Lasat Boosahn Keeraw.[15]. Kallus was horrified by Thrawn's action but Governor Pryce smirked. Serving the Republic during the Battle of Malastare Narrows, he was given an admiral 's commission in the Republic Navy following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, assigned to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Does Yularen know that Vader is Anakin? : StarWars 90 kilograms[4] Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Undaunted, Kallus first dispatched a squadron of TIE fighters to the planet. Biography Early Life. He worked to suppress dissent on numerous worlds, fighting against the insurgency of Saw Gerrera on Onderon, participating in the genocide on Lasan, and leading the hunt for the rebels of the Ghost on Lothal. Wullf Yularen was a male human who served as an Admiral in the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars and later a Colonel in the Galactic Empire 's Imperial Security Bureau During the Clone Wars, Yularen was persuaded by Palpatine to join the Republic Navy as an admiral—becoming one of the youngest naval officers to hold the rank—and the . Coleema subsequently awoke on the ship and after being briefed by Kallus, professed a desire to go home. "Admiral initiate the hyperdrive and head into hyperspace". [31], However, the clones refused to give up and their old walker, despite taking numerous hits, still had one good fight left in it. Ahsoka didn't watch Yularen go, instead, she moved to re-join her team, leading them down the hallway they were in. After a short verbal exchange, Coleema successfully transferred important information into the droid. Kallus then returned to the Imperial headquarters on Lothal while his former friend was being brought to jail. "You all might want to hang onto something". Top posts january 3rd 2018 Top posts of january, . Y'know, I feel bad for Admiral Yularen. : StarWars [21], As he was making his way back through the vents, Bridger learned that he and a fellow cadet, Jai Kell, had shown skills that were of interest to the Inquisitor, who planned to arrive on Lothal the next day to test them. Though Kallus and Rex were skeptical, Hondo's plan worked and the rebels were able to infiltrate Lothal by latching onto a container transport. character identification - In Star Wars: A New Hope, why ... Alexsandr Kallus was a human male revolutionary who served as an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, operating number ISB-021, before becoming a rebel spy in the formative days of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. When the Inquisitor arrived, Kallus was present when the Inquisitor arrived and was informed about the escape. The Galactic Empire, also known as the New Order, the Old Empire, the First Galactic Empire, Palpatine's Empire, the Universal Empire, the Imperium, or simply as The Empire, is the universal government established by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to replace the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY and bring Sith rule to the Universe. The final sequence may not have ultimately pleased George Lucas, but . [43], Kallus was on the bridge of another Star Destroyer when he witnessed the other ship go up in flames. The essential, comprehensive guide to Rogue One- A Star Wars Story. Basically, to have fun and enjoy all six of George Lucas's classic movies, the three sequel adventures . However, the Imperials had managed to capture the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who had first alerted the crew of the Ghost to the Lasat refugees. Yularen orders her to return to the flagship. Yularen claimed that Lyste's cylinder code implicated him as Fulcrum. When Thrawn asked the two officers about one of Sabine's graffiti art pieces, Lyste remarked that it was merely a section of a retaining wall. [39], Later, Agent Kallus accompanied Governor Pryce aboard the bridge of a Star Destroyer. The first book in the award-winning Shadows of Time series introduces John Roley, Tim Jackson, and 2 inteligent computer prototypes known as ISAC-9. This time both Kallus and Konstantine expressed skepticism of this being anything of note, but the Fifth Brother disagreed and investigated the situation personally. Kallus escaped with his fellow rebels aboard the Ghost before the "Dome" exploded. Pryce then revealed that Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Seventh Fleet would be leading their efforts against the rebels. However, he discovered his transmitter's signal was being jammed and Kallus was only able to transmit a fragment of his message. Kallus was created as a rebel hunter and the most recurring antagonist for the rebel crew, one who would be on the front lines of conflicts between the rebels and the Empire. Kallus & fellow rebels inside Imperial dome command center. Owing to his ISB combat training, Kallus easily overpowered his captors and made his way to an escape pod and ejected from the Star Destroyer. Kallus ordered all stormtroopers to converge on the lower hangar, where he would meet them, though he diverted some to the upper hangar; Bridger, who was listening to Imperial communications through a stolen stormtrooper helmet, posed as a stormtrooper and suggested that the lower hangar could be a diversion.[19]. [9], With Governor Pryce and Lieutenant Yogar Lyste, Agent Kallus summoned the factory workers for an assembly. However, Kallus was then able to overpower his guards and escape in an escape pod to join the rebels. [14] Kallus was codenamed ISB-021 and became a high-ranked ISB Agent,[1] working in both the Internal Affairs branch and the Investigations branch of the bureau. Although he was a lesser pilot than his old acquaintance, the ISB agent managed to take the rogue lieutenant down, using a maneuver he had learned from him when they still got along. Kallus attempted to fight Thrawn but was outmatched and captured by Thrawn's Death troopers. Knowing that his probe droid was observing the fray, Kallus feigned anger and accused the rebels of murdering Minister Tua. From The Force Awakens, we see that the Empire existed for at least some time after the Battle of Endor and the death of Palpatine.Most notably, Jakku seems to have been the site of a massive engagement between the Empire and the Rebels and/or the forces of the emerging Republic, as evidenced by the wreckage of various Star Destroyers on its surface. Bridger, who had won a cadet tournament to serve as an aide in the Imperial Complex, arrived—wearing a helmet to disguise himself—with a datapad that he was sent to deliver. AP-5 then managed to convince Ezra to support Kallus' plan by pointing out that he could get a new set of clearance code's from Thrawn's office. [1] He was able to successfully modify this weapon for close-quarters fighting and was able to go toe-to-toe with Orrelios, a trained Honor Guardsman, during a fight on Lothal. General Discussion. Hair color The stormtrooper, who had also fallen over, clung to the railing as well and asked if Jarrus was the first Jedi that Kallus had ever seen. [7], Kallus hunting for the Rodian fugitive Tseebo, The Imperial regime on Lothal planned a series of celebrations for Empire Day, marking the fifteenth anniversary of the end of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire. [Source]. Colonel Yularen

Kallus' first order to the captain was to have the Lawbringer descend from orbit and hover over Capital City, where the citizens of Lothal would be able to witness the Empire's might.[18]. [21], The two rebels executed their plan the next day. Kallus then closed the blast door after the three left and hid himself until the alarm was off. Maintain the security of the Empire Mass He underwent extensive training to become proficient in fighting and was a dangerous foe in hand-to-hand combat. Kallus suddenly appeared and opened one of the doors and advised them how to escape. Editor discretion is advised. [23], Having escaped from the scene of the attack, the rebels hid at the childhood home of Ezra Bridger, where they found Tseebo hiding; Tseebo had been a friend of Bridger's parents before they disappeared several years earlier. Found insideWAR poRTRAIT: Wullf Yularem wulf Yularen grew up on Anaxes, the son of the legendary Thull Yularen, who followed his lengthy service ... Unfortunately, he did his job too well, making powerful enemies in both the bureau and the Senate. [16] Before the cleansing of Lasan ended, Kallus was given a J-19 bo-rifle by a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated. Wren and the droid shut down the gravity generator on the ship, taking the Imperials by surprise and giving the rebels an opportunity to escape. [20] Kallus told the Inquisitor, who appeared via hologram, about what happened on Kessel and that the leader of the rebel cell was a Jedi, to which the Inquisitor said Kallus had done well to inform him of. Kallus would remember this moment during his next mission, the Fall of Lasan. To make it appear that Kallus had put up a fight, Ezra hurled the ISB agent against the glass monitor. Word of God states that afterwards, the Empire crumbled and split into numerous small successor states, so that by the time of The . An officer informed him that one of their infiltrator droid's proton warheads had gone off prematurely. When the bonzami attacked them again, they managed to escape the underground cavern to the surface following a struggle. Deprived of his bo-rifle, Kallus appeared to be at Swain's mercy. Gender [12] He was also highly skilled as with robotics and programming, as evidenced, for instance, by his reprogramming and redesign of an MSE-series-6 ("mouse") droid for surveillance, and his reprogramming of Grand Admiral Thrawn's own assassin droids. Voiced by Tom Kane, Yularen, a Republic Admiral, is one of the first characters to debut in the film. I mean I think he should have more redemption like in Rebels or something. Kallus expressed disapproval of Saw's methods of gaining information but convinced the Alliance leadership to authorize a mission to plant a spike on the Jalindi relay. Kristin Baver Kristin Baver is a journalist who loved science fiction before she could even write her own name. Agent Kallus wore a gray Imperial uniform with a pair of black boots, gauntlet gloves over his hands, and a fleximetal cuirass. At Thrawn's Office, Kallus and Lyste were met by Thrawn, Konstantine, and Kallus' former ISB instructor Wullf Yularen. Join. Flight of the Falcon, Part 1: Spy Games, Iron Squadron, A Rebel Bounty, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious–class. A thrilling prequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, set roughly six years before the events of the film. Grand Admiral Yularen himself, was shocked too, as the Chiss Ascendancy backed the Sith Conglomerate against the Galactic Empire and it seems Thrawn have just broke a military alliance between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Sith Conglomerate. However, as commented above, there were very few people throughout the Empire that knew., Yularen probably not being one of them. Then he goes kaboom on The Death Star. Tells the complete tale of Grand Moff Tarkin, who guides the creation of the Death Star and paves the way for the Empire's supremacy--and whom even the dreaded Darth Vader obeys. Kallus took a shuttle and found Solo during one of his smuggling operations.

I was just wondering what your opinions are. Kallus was struck with blaster fire, knocking him over the railing, which he held onto as the Ghost escaped. Bridger snuck through a ventilation shaft in order to reach Kallus' office from above.

A Republic Intelligence officer during the Clone Wars, Rancit was appointed by the Emperor to head the Naval Intelligence Agency five years after the rise of the Empire. This is the perfect book for any Star Wars fan, budding military historian, or would-be rebel hero! © AND TM 2021 LUCASFILM LTD. Once Kallus was gone, Bridger entered the office but was stopped by fellow cadet Zare Leonis, who knew that the theft would set off an alarm. Bridger used the Force to levitate the decoder, and it floated up to the opening of the ventilation shaft. Between 44–35 BBY,[2] Coruscant[3] Using the ship Glimmer of Hope, he and Dee-Four rescued Coleema and Roro from the planet. Seems to conflict his character overall. Biographical information

The purrgil destroyed the Imperial blockade and attached to the Chimaera, which caused the ship, Thrawn, its crew, and Ezra to disappear into hyperspace. I mean Senator Organa saw it and other people knew better, why wouldn't a close friend of the Jedi's decide that the Empire wasn't for him. save. A wise leader knows when to follow. Kallus then allowed Chopper to upload Kanan's comlink from the station's port. Awesome. Konstantine reported that he did not know since the rebels had already escaped into hyperspace. If he did know, he's way too smart to openly show it, like Tarkin and Thrawn were. The armor was quite durable, being able to sustain a ricochet shot from an E-11 blaster rifle. Agent Kallus is one of the primary antagonists of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels, in which he is voiced by British actor David Oyelowo. Unfortunately, the hologram is cut off, while Anakin and Yularen . "[48], The character was first revealed at the 2014 Hasbro Toy Fair. [27], The rebels were able to escape from being cornered and made their way into the sewers beneath the Senate Building, and Kallus and his troopers pursued them. Kallus advised him not to under the pretext that chasing down every comm failure would be a waste of time. He worked as a spy under the pseudonym Fulcrum supplying secret information to the rebellion through broadcasted messages. With this New Order, Yularen resigned his admiral's commission in favor of pursuing a career with the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order's Imperial . Fearing for her life and upset by the Empire's increasingly heavy-handed measures, Tua secretly contacted the Spectres and made arrangements to defect to the rebellion. [35], After the Inquisitor known as the Seventh Sister discovered a rebel presence on the planet Garel, Agent Kallus ordered Admiral Konstantine to deploy the Imperial fleet from Lothal to Garel. Kallus and a squadron of stormtroopers landed at the mine and advanced on the rebels, forcing them to take cover. Rex then jumped onto the main cannon and openly challenged the walker's crew, deriding them as cowards. He used his inside knowledge of the Imperial Military to leak vital intelligence to the rebellion and tried to mislead Thrawn. Plot. [13], Kallus, a skilled fighter, did not command soldiers from afar, but rather fought alongside them on the front lines, including against the crew of the Ghost. Despite his disagreements with the brash and reckless Anakin Skywalker, he held a sacred respect for the chain of command, a trait which made him assist his Jedi General in any way he could. Instead, he advised the officer to wait until the next cycle. Upon landing, Kallus along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe helped Ezra and Ryder's forces to defeat Governor Pryce's forces at the Lothal cliff dwelling. Once finished, remove this notice.

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why did admiral yularen join the empire

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