semantic machines tacl

These provide another level for linguistic analysis and make UDS unique among meaning representations. Semantic role labeling (SRL) is the task of identifying predicates and labeling argument spans with semantic roles. This input is augmented with a sinusoidal position embedding for the Transformer models.

Found inside – Page 75The mathematics of statistical machine translation: Parameter estimation, Computational Linguistics 19(2) (June), 263–311. Bundy, Alan, and Lincoln Wallen (1984). Semantic grammar. In Alan Bundy and Lincoln Wallen (eds.) ... Programs include metacomputation operators for reference and revision that reuse dataflow fragments from previous turns. 07/2017: Tutorial on Construction and Querying of Large-Scale Knowledge Bases accepted to CIKM'17. In Proc. Found inside – Page 396... similarity metrics for semantic inference over event descriptions. TACL 2, 67–78 (2014) 5. ... In: EACL 2014 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (2014) Giménez, J., M`arquez, L.: Linguistic features for automatic evaluation ...

Similarly, the node representations zi are computed by a Transformer decoder with both self-attention (as in the encoder) and source-side attention. 11/2017: Attended CIKM'17 in Singapore and gave a talk on natural lanugage interface and a tutorial on construction and querying of large-scale knowledge bases. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. How do neural sequence models generalize? A generative model of vector space semantics. Andreas, John DeNero, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine. Black cells indicate no significant correlation. Association for Computational Linguistics; An evaluation of PredPatt and open IE via stage 1 semantic role labeling, IWCS 2017 — 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics — Short papers, AMR parsing with latent structural information, This site uses cookies. The decoder embedding module embeds the categorical information of the previous timestep (e.g., the token identity and index, the head token identity and index, the edge type) into a real space. Semantic Machines invites research interns to help invent the next generation of task-oriented conversational AI. However, such ambiguities are fairly rare in UD corpora, and are thus unlikely to explain the whole difference between the models. Leveraging language to learn program abstractions and search heuristics. Like our models, work on syntactic scaffolds introduces a multitask learning (Caruana, 1997) framework, where a syntactic auxiliary task is introduced for the benefit of a semantic task; in contrast to the systems presented here, the syntactic task is treated as a purely auxiliary signal, with the model evaluation coming solely from the semantic task. However, this is not the case for the Transformer; the syntax-only Transformer (TFMR + BI) model outperforms the LSTM model, and is slightly outperformed by the joint syntax-semantics Transformer model. In Proc. 09/2017: Finished summer internship at MSR. Serve in the Program Committee of ACL'20, KDD'20 (chair of Trustworthy Data Mining session), EMNLP'20, AAAI'21, AKBC'20, IntEx-SemPar'20. Kristina is a past co-editor in chief of TACL, a program co-chair for ACL 2014, and a … Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS; White et al., 2020) falls between these extremes, with a semantic graph that is closely tied to the syntax while not being constrained to match the input tokens. with frame-semantic representations. Note that in this figure, as well as the others in this section, the vertical axis is scaled to highlight relevant contrasts. In contrast to the findings of Glavaš and Vulić (2020), who conclude that the benefits of UD pretraining for semantic language understanding tasks are limited when using contextualized encoders, our results in §6 show a small but consistent positive effect of syntactic information on semantic parsing, as well as improved syntactic performance from a semantic signal. Emmanouil Antonios Platanios, Adam Pauls, Subhro Roy, Yuchen Zhang,

In the top–down direction (semantics to syntax) we train the encoder-side and intermediate variants of the joint UDS and syntactic parsing model and subsequently load the weights from their encoders and biaffine parsers into separate UD models for all 8 languages.

(2019) find that the benefits of shallow syntactic objectives are largely eclipsed by the implicit information captured in contextualized encoders. ACL 2013 Workshop on continuous vector space models and their Retrieval of the Best Counterargument without Prior Topic Knowledge. The below lists the accepted long and short papers as well as software demonstrations for ACL 2017, in no particular order. 03/2021: Short Paper on compositional generalization for neural semantic parsing accepted to NAACL-HLT 2021.

04/2018: Paper "DialSQL: Dialogue Based Structured Query Generation" accepted to ACL'18 as long paper: Improve semantic parsing with dialog. (2020) and Stengel-Eskin et al.

Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Parsers for Mapping Instructions to Actions Yoav Artzi and Luke Zettlemoyer. (2017) first introduce the notion of a syntactic scaffold for frame-semantic parsing, where a lightweight syntactic task (constituent labeling) is used as an auxiliary signal in a multitask learning setup to the benefit of the semantic task. Reasoning about pragmatics with neural listeners and speakers. 09/2020: Two long papers (learning language interfaces from use and data-to-text generation) accepted to EMNLP'20. Nizar Habash, Semantics (UDS) dataset, jointly parsing. June 3, 2021. tic categories, semantic relations, etc. Natural Language to API Conversion (co-inventor). In the verb-to-noun case, while both models undergo roughly the same major performance loss in the altered context, the initial performance of the encoder-side model is higher. Spring 2014: 600.475 Machine Learning, guest-lectures on HMMs/CRFs/loopy belief propagation. In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL). - Developed algorithm outperformed all in-house benchmarks in terms of frames processed per second and drift. Search for other works by this author on: © 2021 Association for Computational Linguistics. understanding. We then report the results of our Transformer-based model, described in §4. Abstract: We propose a novel generative model to explore both local and global context for joint learning topics and topic-specific word embeddings. The Referential Reader: A Recurrent Entity Network for Anaphora Resolution. Information Discovery and Delivery, 46(2), 00-00. 02/2018: Talk about "Bridging the Gap between Human and Data with AI" at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Machine comprehension of text is the overarching goal of a great deal of research in natural language processing. In particular, CCG syntactic types can be paired with functional semantic types (e.g., λ calculus strings) to compositionally construct logical forms. We explore multiple model architectures that allow us to exploit the rich syntactic and semantic annotations contained in the Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS) dataset, jointly parsing Universal Dependencies and UDS to obtain state-of-the-art results in both formalisms. Table 1). NAACL-18. Or Biran, The TACL model suggests the provision of resources. This three-operation approach (i.e., generate, source-copy, target-copy) enables the parser to seamlessly handle lexicalized and non-lexicalized formalisms, while also natively supporting re-entrancy through the target-copy operation.

In this chapter, however, we observe renewed interest in semantic representation and processing. Congratulations, authors! Di-alogue systems with fixed symbolic state repre-sentations (like slot filling systems) are easy to Jointly modeling AMR and syntax, Zhou et al. A hybrid approach to sentence simplification which combines deep semantics and monolingual machine translation to derive simple sentences from complex ones that yields significantly simpler output that is both grammatical and meaning preserving. A lexical matching method that takes into account multiple context windows, question types and coreference resolution is developed that outperforms the baseline of Richardson et al.

Speaker–follower models for vision-and-language navigation. Publications. For instance, homing in on the genericity-arg-kind annotations (reflecting the level to which an argument refers to a kind of thing) for direct objects dobj, we see that for some examples, while the model prediction differs from the annotation, it is not wrong per se. Catherine Wong, Kevin Ellis, Josh Tenenbaum and Jacob Andreas. : Three Levels of Generalization for Question Answering on Knowledge Bases, Yu Gu, Sue Kase, Michelle Vanni, Brian Sadler, Percy Liang, Xifeng Yan, and Yu Su. Kevin Knight, Syntactic and semantic metrics across all models. 08/2018: Full paper on concept mining from text got accepted to ICDM 2018. Trevor Darrell, Statistical Machine Translation for Query Expansion in Answer Retrieval. Yonatan Bisk*, Ari Holtzman*, Jesse Thomason*, Jacob Andreas, Yoshua DOI: 10.1162/tacl_a_00316. 09/2020: Super excited to share some of the work I've been working on at. compositionality. An overview of word embeddings and their connection to ... Found inside – Page 386TACL 5, 135–146 (2017). db/journals/tacl/tacl5.html#BojanowskiGJM17 2. Bordag, S.: A comparison ... Semantic specialisation of distributional word vector spaces using monolingual and cross-lingual constraints. 3 New Paraphrase Datasets We created two novel datasets: (1) Annotated- @article {SMDataflow2020, author = {{Semantic Machines} and Andreas, Jacob and Bufe, John and Burkett, David and Chen, Charles and Clausman, Josh and Crawford, Jean and Crim, Kate and DeLoach, Jordan and Dorner, Leah and Eisner, Jason and Fang, Hao and Guo, Alan and Hall, David and Hayes, Kristin and Hill, Kellie and Ho, Diana and Iwaszuk, Wendy and Jha, Smriti and Klein, Dan and … Task-Oriented Dialogue as Dataflow Synthesis - Microsoft ... ACL2020: Investigating Prior Knowledge for Challenging ... A number of factors make the UDS representation (White et al., 2020) particularly well-suited to our purposes, especially the existence of parallel manually annotated syntactic and semantic data. The introduction of multilingual contextualized encoders, such as mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019; Devlin, 2018) and XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2020) has enabled models to perform UD parsing in multiple languages simultaneously by using features obtained by a single multilingual encoder (Schuster et al., 2019; Kondratyuk and Straka, 2019). In Proc. The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 13th ... This has led to interest in evaluating the performance of UD parsing models not just on English, but across a range of languages and language families; both the 2017 and 2018 CoNLL shared tasks focused on multilingual UD parsing (Zeman et al., 2017, 2018).

(2019) that the benefits to be gained from multitask learning with shallow syntactic objectives are largely eclipsed by contextualized encoders. Note that unlike in §6, we do not have parallel data in these settings, leading to the use of pretraining rather than simultaneous multitask learning. Even though most semantic-role formalisms are built upon constituent syntax, and only syntactic constituents can be labeled as arguments (e.g., FrameNet and PropBank), all the recent work on syntax-aware SRL relies on dependency representations of syntax.

I am a Researcher at Microsoft Research, where I focus on structuring medical text for precision health. TACL-4 Complete Kit. Furthermore, it is in holding with semantic theories, as the xcomp relation is used for open clausal complements (i.e., non-finite embedded clauses), with an overt control subject in the main clause (e.g., object or subject control). AI researchers have made great strides in recent years, but we are still at the beginning of teaching computers to understand the full context of human communication. CCG approaches have also been applied to semantics-only AMR parsing (Artzi et al., 2015; Misra and Artzi, 2016; Beschke, 2019). The results in Figure 4 and Figure 6 not only demonstrate that the addition of one structural modality (i.e., syntax, semantics) can benefit the other, but also suggest that these signals are complementary to the signal already given by the input features, which include contextualized features obtained from BERT. Samuel R. Bowman. There Once Was a Really Bad Poet, It Was Automated but You Didn’t Know It. This might be due to an improved ability by the Transformer encoder to incorporate signals from across the input, since the self-attention mechanism has equal access to all positions, while the BiLSTM has only sequential access which may become corrupted or washed out over longer distances. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. March 18, 2021. For a full description of the license, please visit, Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA), Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), Association for Computational Linguistics, Broad-coverage CCG semantic parsing with AMR, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Abstract Meaning Representation for sembanking, Proceedings of the 7th Linguistic Annotation Workshop and Interoperability with Discourse, Random search for hyper-parameter optimization, Exploring graph-algebraic CCG combinators for syntactic- semantic AMR parsing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019), Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia, PA, Smatch: An evaluation metric for semantic feature structures, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), A fast and accurate dependency parser using neural networks, Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), On the shortest arborescence of a directed graph, Unsupervised cross-lingual representation learning at scale, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Children are nice to understand: Surface structure clues for the recovery of a deep structure, BERT: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding, Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), Thematic proto-roles and argument selection, Deep biaffine attention for neural dependency parsing, 5th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2017, Toulon, France, April 24–26, 2017, Conference Track Proceedings, Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards B, Evaluating models’ local decision boundaries via contrast sets, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, AllenNLP: A deep semantic natural language processing platform, Proceedings of Workshop for NLP Open Source Software (NLP-OSS), Is supervised syntactic parsing beneficial for language understanding? A framework for building natural language interface to web API via crowdsourcing with a hierarchical Before that, I was a postdoctoral fellow at MIT CSAIL and a member of the Natural Language Processing group under the supervision of Prof. Regina Barzilay from 2018 to 2020. 08/2017: I will serve in the Program Committee of WWW'18, 08/2017: Paper on natural language interface to web API. [*Authors are listed in arbitrary order.]. Semantic Analysis. Unlike the LSTM-based model, which is fairly robust to hyperparameter changes, the Transformer-based architecture was found to be sensitive to such changes. In Proc. [2020]) as well as attribute F1 and Pearson’s ρ. In this book, experts from linguistics, neurology and neurobiology, cognitive psychology, ecology and evolutionary biology, and computer modeling address this question. Sarah Schwettmann, Evan Hernandez, David Bau, Samuel Klein, Jacob When comparing a joint UD-UDS parser, we see that small gains are realized for the most frequent relations, but some relations suffer minor losses as well. Program synthesis allows our users to express complex intents and refine them over a series of natural language dialogue turns. 09/2016: Two papers on knowledge base question answering got accepted to EMNLP'16! In Proc. (2020) were obtained from a stacked bidirectional LSTM. This was performed with the base model, with the best hyperparameters used in all other models. This novel schema favors machine learning approaches, as it can be viewed as a semantic parsing task. We develop neural models that possess an interpretable inference process for dependency parsing. Found inside – Page 226... Viégas , F. , Wattenberg , M. , Corrado , G. , & Hughes , M. ( 2017 ) . Zero - Shot Translation with Google's Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System . https : // ... In Proc. Found inside – Page 480In: Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on the People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources. ... Brants, T., Popat, A.C., Xu, P., Och, F.J., Dean, J.: Large language models in machine translation. One short paper on document classification for COVID-19 literature accepted to Findings of EMNLP. Found inside – Page 9[6] B.T. McInnes and T. Pedersen, Evaluating semantic similarity and relatedness over the semantic grouping of clinical ... [19] P. Bojanowski, E. Grave, A. Joulin, and T. Mikolov, Enriching word vectors with subword information TACL 5 ... In Proc. 10/2017: Upcoming visits in China: 10.09-10.15 (Alibaba, Hangzhou), 10.10 (Fudan University, Shanghai), 10.11 (The Computing Conferencce, Hangzhou), 10.16 (Tsinghua University, Beijing), 10.17 (Toutiao AI Lab, Beijing). Semantic Machines is transforming assistive experiences by harnessing the full power of human language. Semantic role labeling [] Wolfe et al. February 1, 2021. Densely Connected Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph-to-Sequence Learning. I am Luu Anh Tuan, an Assistant Professor at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. Logical Natural Language Generation from Open-Domain Tables, Wenhu Chen, Jianshu Chen, Yu Su, Zhiyu Chen, William Yang Wang. (2019b) and relies heavily on AllenNLP (Gardner et al., 2018). Pragmatically informative text generation.

(2012). A historical glimpse of the NLP research spectrum and the whole framework of knowledgeable machine learning. Conversion of Figure 1 to an arborescence. Compositional generalization for neural semantic parsing via span-level In Proc. I also spend some fun time at Microsoft Semantic Machines. Most of the compositionality algorithms 2020. Based on these multilingual results, we believe that expanding the UDS data paradigm (i.e., UD-based graph structure, continuous attributes) beyond English and building robust multilingual parsing models is a particularly promising direction for future work. Deciding whether the attribute applies and the prediction of its value are performed by separate MLPs. Interpretable rationales for model predictions are crucial in practical applications. Found inside – Page 95Berant, J., Chou, A., Frostig, R., Liang, P.: Semantic parsing on freebase from question-answer pairs. ... TACL 2, 377–392 (2014) 8. ... Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation. This is true whether we concatenate the syntactic graph before or after the semantic one. Tenenbaum and Armando Solar-Lezama. (2018) introduce a similar syntactic scaffolding objective for three semantic tasks. Found inside – Page 534Google's multilingual neural machine translation system: enabling zero-shot translation. In: TACL, pp. ... 1700–1709 (2013) Karpathy, A., Fei-Fei, L.: Deep visual-semantic alignments for generating image descriptions. In: CVPR, pp.

Semantic-Based Approach for Managing Healthcare Big Following observations that syntax and semantics are encoded to varying degrees at different depths in contextualized encoders (Hewitt and Liang, 2019; Tenney et al., 2019; Jawahar et al., 2019) with syntactic information typically lower in the network, we explore the trade-off between freezing and tuning various layers of the BERT encoder. Furthermore, as UDS graphs build on Universal Dependency (UD) parses, UDS is naturally positioned to take full advantage of the extensive and linguistically diverse set of UD annotations. 18. Semantic In Proc. Xiong, C., Power, R. and Callan, J. Jacob Andreas @ MIT > Papers SMCalFlow is a large English-language dialogue dataset, featuring natural conversations about tasks involving calendars, weather, places, and people. The training edges are explicitly used for the predictions; … The target label module extends the Pointer-Generator network (See et al., 2017), which supports both generating new token labels from avocabulary and copying tokens from the input, with a “target-copy” operation, additionally allowing the model to predict a token label by copying a previously predicted node, conditioned on a target node. state-of-the-art results in both formalisms. A dialogue agent maps each user utterance to a program that extends this graph. . Grounded Compositional Semantics for Finding and includes TACL-4 Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, Critical Reviews and Research Findings for TACL: 1965–2013, and TACL-4/TEXL Comprehensive Scoring Supplement, all in a sturdy storage box. The UAS/LAS of the pretrained intermediate model is the strongest even when compared against the best monolingual models in Table 1. A variety of tree- and graph-based representations have been devised for representing syntactic structure (e.g., varieties of constituency and dependency parse trees) as well as semantic structure, for example, Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR; Banarescu et al., 2013), Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA; Abend and Rappoport, 2013), and Semantic Dependency Parsing formalisms (SDP; Oepen et al., 2014, 2016). For Galician, Hungarian, and Armenian, we see a sizeable improvement between the models. Google We.

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semantic machines tacl

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